Let Us Celebrate Those Who Serve Us Everyday
A gift in a cup, also known as coffee. Coffee is a luxury and a necessity. The smell alone triggers the brain to begin its day. Some would argue that one could not function without it.
Let Me Introduce You to Marcie, the Barista!
Marcie is so much more than a person who makes and serves coffee for the public. First of all, she is the person who sees you before the first sip with messy hair and sleep in your eyes, frantic because you overslept and are running late for work, or maybe a little nervous because you are pitching your new idea during the afternoon work meeting. Next, she is your morning wake up call. Indeed, she is the creator of her moment. She holds the paint brush of creativity.
Ding, the Silver Bell Rings!
Ding, the silver bell rings! Opportunity walks up to the counter and begins his order. He is rushed for his meeting. Waking up only to hit snooze five more times before he is forced out into the day. Frantically he searches for something impressionable to wear. He gathers his morning paper and hurriedly drops the front page noticing the time is slipping away. Out the door he goes. Fast as lightening and barely looking up to notice the rising sun. The doors of his favorite coffee shop call out to him. He rushes to the counter and spews out his two-list coffee request. Venti, flat-white needed yesterday please.
Relax, Marcie the Barista Has You Covered.
There she is, Marcie the barista. With a sparkle in her eye, lavender highlights flowing through her hair and a small yellow sun tattooed on her right thumb she is steadily arranging the coffee cups. Each one in its rightful place, a canvas awaiting its creator. It’s as if time stopped. She methodically turns and meets Mr. Frantic eye to eye. “Hello and Good Morning”, she says. Then gracefully she repeats his order back to him. Please have a seat Mr. Frantic, your order will be out shortly. She turns, heads towards her canvas and proceeds to create the magic of a beautiful moment.
The Magic of the Beautiful Moment
First, the melody of the espresso hums loudly as it grinds the beans to a perfect texture between coarse and fine. Next, Marcie feels with her hands making sure the espresso is just the right fine sand texture. She would dare not miss calculate her moment to make him the perfect cup of espresso. Then, she measures the perfect dose and deposits it into the portafilter basket. After carefully leveling an even measure of her dose she loads then locks it in. Still, she gently grabs her coffee canvas and places it underneath while the espresso begins its magic. What a captivating sound, the sound of espresso extracting an earthy stream of delight into the cup. Not one but two shots of espresso will go into this work of art.
Oh, she is Not Done Yet
Next, she steams the milk to a perfect 55 to 62 degrees Celsius. Then, she disperses the bubbles, gives it a tap, and swirls the freshly steamed milk to its perfectly smooth consistency. Wait for it…this is where the milk meets the espresso. Even so, with great confidence she pulls the steamed milk up to what seems like Mount Everest and begins to tip the cup while a slow river of milk flows down into a pool of chocolaty espresso. Furthermore, she pours, then swirls with a rhythm of a brush stroke and then draws not one but two circles ending with a fine line in the middle. Yes, you guessed right, her art reveal is a velvety foam heart.
Mr. Frantic Finally Gets His Gift in a Cup
At last, she walks slowly back to Mr. Frantic with his tailor ordered flat white. He breathes in the fresh aroma of the pleasantly aromatic espresso and notices the handmade heart. In that moment he pauses, and a smile begins to form as he looks at Marcie and says, Thank You! He pays and hurriedly walks out the door of his favorite coffee shop, ready to confront his day all because of a beautiful cup of coffee.
A Gift in a Cup
You see, a cup of coffee is not just a cup of coffee. Wow! I know that was profound. It’s a greeting card, a perfectly baked basket of chocolate chip cookies, your favorite drink delivered to your office desk or even a fresh bouquet of pink peonies. It’s a gift! A gift made by a special person. A person who decided to show up. Who chose to learn the art of making a perfect tailor ordered latte.
What to read another amazing story about celebrating those who work behind the scenes? Check this out, https://todayisforglitter.com/do-you-see-her-her-goal-is-to-help-you-shine/.
Do You Notice Her Now?
Can you now see the beauty in what she does? You are her focus, her guest and her goal is to fill your cup. Fill it with joy, laughter and a kickstart for your day. You and I, we need Marice. We need her hospitality and masterfully painted coffee. Our day depends on this thoughtful gift in a cup.
- First, she serves you.
- Next, she tailor makes your order.
- Then, she creates a moment just for you.
Challenge Alert for All the Moment Catchers Out There
Next time you rush into your local coffee shop to place your two-list coffee order, pause, savor the moment and tell Marcie thank you for showing up today.
Here’s to the next catch!